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Let's get you started...

Can I please ask that you read and sign the code of practice and disclaimer documents below.  Could you also please read, complete and sign the physical activity readiness questionnaire and pre-class form.  You can then either scan and return these by email, or bring them in paper form on the day – whichever is easiest for you!


These documents contain some really useful information that will also help you to ensure you are properly equipped and prepared for our session.

Code of Practice

Guidelines for running with your dog.  Ensure that everyone will enjoy their DogFit session.


Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire - checklist for things to consider.

Liability Disclaimer

Understanding of the Risks. Marketing and Promotions waiver.


In order to ensure both you and your dog(s) have a positive and enjoyable experience.

Useful Information

Before you travel…


Running Attire & Equipment: I would recommend wearing running shoes with some level of grip for our session i.e. trail shoes.  Otherwise, any other comfortable running attire will be suitable for our session.   


On the day…


Food & Drink: Please avoid feeding your dog a full meal too close to our run (preferably within 2 hours) – we will discuss this further on the day.  Please bring a drink of water for your dog for after our session.


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns and look forward to seeing you there! 


Social Media...

If you are interested, you can follow us on our social media pages:


Facebook or by searching wps.pets

Instagram: @woodlandpetservices

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